Sunday, November 9, 2014

3rd Typography Project: Finished

Hello there friends!

Tomorrow I turn in my third typography project. WHAT? For real, where has the time gone? This semester is moving a little too fast for me. I can't keep up!

Anywho, I know y'all are DYING, it's absolutely KILLING you, to see my project. I will just show ya! 

For the project I was asked to design two posters about Serifa, a slab serif typeface. From the history of the designer, to the history of the time period it was designed, I reasearched just about as much as I could. From there, I dove into exploring the the appeareance of the font and how it was designed. After gaining lots of reasearch, I began designing posters to highlight Serifa’s specific unique qualities. Two posters were involved in this process: the poster highlighting characteristics, and the poster displaying body text encompassing all of the research I gathered. 

Here are the two final posters I ended up with:

I learned quite a bit in this project. I gained some general knowledge about typefaces and how to typography labeling, and of course, I learned extensively about Serifa. I feel like a typography genius now! (hah, just kidding.. I'm not quite there yet)

If you'd like to see my process on how I got to these final posters, visit my Behance Page!

Peace and blessins' my friends, peace and blessins.

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