Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hearty Hues

Hi, again. 

For my Intro to Poetry class, our final project was a creative project. We had to make some sort of creative project that answers the question "What is poetry?"

So I channeled my inner graphic designer, and I decided to make a literary magazine. The thesis of my project is poetry is a boundary-free medium that triggers emotions in people. To represent that in my magazine, I used colors. Each poem included in the magazine is color coded by the particular emotion the poem portrays. For instance, a poem that is sad and full of grief is colored blue, and a poem that is angry or aggravated is colored red.

This is the cover. The variety colors on the cover show that poetry isn't limited to just one emotion; furthermore, poetry consists of all types of emotions. Each color on the cover represents a certain emotion. I named the magazine "Hearty Hues" because it is the epitome of my magazine in two words: emotion and colors.

Here are some examples of the different color schemes on each page:

Blue: symbolizes sadness/grief
Yellow: fear/apprehension
Orange: upset/frustration
Red: aggravation/irritation


And here is the index. I didn't organize the poems in a particular order because I want readers to turn the page to the next poem and have it represent a completely different emotion. The random order shows that poetry jumps from one emotion to the next, and it also shows that there are several emotions to be expressed within the poetry world.

“Hearty Hues” represents all of poetry’s emotions through color and organization. My hopes for “Hearty Hues” is that readers will establish a strong connection to these poems as the color scheme on each page triggers their emotions.  I loved designing the magazine. It was fun to design something where every single part of the design had a meaning of some sort. I enjoyed my poetry class this semester, and I would love to work for a literary magazine at some point in my life. 
"The chief function of color should be to be to serve expression." -Henri Matisse 

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