Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Online Musuem : Process Post #5

Hello there again!

Welp, I'm back and with even more process than last time!

After being in class on Monday, I learned that I couldn't have all of my type on the site be an image. WHOOPS every piece of type on my page was an image, so I had a lot of work to do! Not complaining though because the page looks MUCH sharper and it's much easier to read. I'm glad I took the time to find a font in Typekit that was similar to the font I was using. It was worth it.

I also talked to my peers about my section pages (the pages with the entire gallery organized into separate sections), and I ended up redoing those as well. The way I had them organized earlier just didn't make sense, and now there's a sense of cohesiveness to each of them.

I also fixed the black bar that was just chillin in the middle of the page. It's now anchored at the top and looking like it actually belongs!

Lastly, I cleaned up all of the lip images. There was a lot of fuzz on the scanner, and it was becoming a craft issue. So I pulled up each of them individually and cleaned them up in Photoshop.

Here's some photos for reference:

Home Page - the text is much more visible now with the new font

About page- text block much easier to read now

Texture section page

Shade section page

Time section page 

Individual page- lips are much cleaner now

Logo is also cleaned up a lot in comparison to last time.
The lip isn't as white/sandy looking. 

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