Saturday, October 24, 2015

Poverty Exhibit Process Post #6

Hello again!

So, after presenting all the three different ideas after fall break, my class decided to go with the Type direction, but to add the quick decision idea from the Game of Life direction.

My content area got together over the weekend and created all the content for our area. I created these two posters:
The activity is the map your budget idea that we came
up with awhile ago, but it would be hard to do on a hanging
poster. So we decided to make a poster like this
with instructions and then have the interactive piece
 right below the poster on a table.

So this is the decision poster. The users put their stickers
on either the gas side or the lunch money side, depending
on what they choose. 

Sarah worked on the title posters, and Gabby worked on the interactive map your budget piece.

So after class, we realized that we needed to think even more about how the map your budget interactive piece would work, and we came up with this:
Sarah did a really good job figuring out the math and measurements behind all this. Gabby and I helped develop it
within the design area (colors, fonts, etc), and then I printed and mounted it for user testing. 

Here it is mounted for user testing:

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