Thursday, November 5, 2015

Project Three Process Post #1

Hello there!

So, project three has begun! For the beginning of this project, we were asked to read user profiles as well as an article. I took notes for each of those things.

User Profiles:

Psychological Sense of Community Notes:

After reading about all the user profiles, we were asked to make mind maps about one specific user profile. I found Astrid and her mom, Lauren, to be the most interesting. I just thought there was a lot to work with because of the way both Astrid and Lauren answered the questions. Astrid seems like an interesting kid, and there seems to be a lot of possibilities within her user profile. I also saw a little bit of myself in Astrid, which really drew me to her immediately. I used to love American Girl Dolls, and I'm still to this day terrified of storms! I was drawn to Astrid from the beginning. 

I made mind maps of people, places, activities, and objects that are all in relation to Astrid. I also made a mind map for Lauren, Astrid's mother, to get out everything I knew about her onto paper, just in case that might help me later on. 

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