Monday, August 31, 2015

Online Museum : Process Post #2


So I've revised my site map as well as my wireframes:

I also wanted to include a picture of
what I was envisioning for the
drop-down/filter menu

Along with all of these things, I have made three different visual directions for what I'm thinking this site will look like:
I would scan in all my own lip prints for this. The black box appears over the
prints when the user's cursor goes over the prints (showing that they can click
on the print for more info). The homepage is also a slideshow of the entire
lipstick gallery. 

I want to have the lipstick prints on different types of clothing fabric for
this idea. Once again, I would scan in all my own lip prints for this, and
the black box appears over the prints when the user's cursor goes over
the prints. The homepage is also a slideshow of the entire gallery. 

I would take all my own photos for this idea. Once again, the black box is
doing the same thing in this idea as the first two ideas, and the homepage is
a slideshow of the entire gallery of lipstick. 

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