Saturday, September 12, 2015

Online Museum : Process Post #3

I finally narrowed down to one design direction, and I got the basic wireframe of my site figured out on muse.

Here's the final design direction I decided on (just a few of the general pages, I didn't want to overload you with all 40+ pages):
Home Page / Entire gallery
Shade/Red page
Individual Page

Here's the quick muse click through/wireframe I created:
Home page - black box is what pops up when you hover over "filter by"

This would be the "red" (any color) section page- all the reds

This would be an individual page. Info would be below it.

After making my click through on muse and looking through my final design, I realized I needed to make my section pages where the entire gallery is shown, but organized into my 3 different sections. So I made section pages for each different section: shade, texture, and time. I also redid the layout of my interior pages, making the title/logo much smaller.

Stay tuned for the next post!!

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