Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Welcome to 2nd Semester

Hello again!

I know, it's been awhile. I'm back! Winter break was definitely nice. I did a lot of exciting things: watch netflix, sleep till 3 in the afternoon, eat food, watch more netflix, eat more food, and repeat. So I'm well rested for this semester to say the least.

Anywho, yesterday was the first day of classes and we are already rolling into the first project. For this project, we are experimenting with "Wayfinding." I know what you're thinking, what the heck is wayfinding? Sounds like spanish. That was also my reaction, but it looks really interesting. I think this project will be a great learning experience. I'm anxious to see how it turns out.

So, I know you're still wondering, what is Wayfinding?

Wayfinding is spatial problem solving. It helps people understand where to go when entering a building, parking garage, campus, office, etc. Some examples of Wayfinding are the following: signage, architectural markers, lighting, and lines. With the help of Wayfinding, people should be able to understand where they are in a building or an environment, know where their desired location is, and know how to get there from their present location.

I've been researching Wayfinding to get some inspiration for the project, and I've come across some neato looking things. Take a look:

"It's never too late to get where you're going."

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