Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Hi there!

Here is a reflection on an article assigned in class calls "Cocowayfinding:"

The coco building wayfinding article has given me several useful tips to use towards this project. The article included many things to pay attention to while designing the graphic information: orientation, directional information, destination information, as well as situation and object identification. What stuck out most to me from this article was..
            -Using pictograms and text together is very effective
-Use colors such as blue, orange, and gray. Reserve red, green, or yellow for public safety issues.
-Avoid all uppercase text in directories to increase legibility.

            At first, my group thought red would be a nice color to direct users to 110, but after reading this article, I understand why a different color might be necessary.  So we decided that instead of going with a bright red, we would go with a red that was more toned down. Little tips such as this have helped my group be more successful throughout this project.

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