Monday, February 17, 2014

Vessel Sketching


The Wayfinding project has been wrapped up, and we are officially moving onto the next project. I promise I will post the finalizations for the Wayfinding project SOON. I promise. I REALLY DO PROMISE.

For this next project, we were told to create a bandsaw box to hold something of meaning to us. I know that you're probably laughing at the image of me using a bandsaw right now. Trust me, I'm still laughing at that. LOL AMY USING A BANDSAW? THAT'S A JOKE. Haha it's actually not a joke, so let's hope that I can learn how to use it well!

Anywho, I decided to make a box for my first pair of pointe shoes. Any ballet dancer in the world knows how exciting it is to earn your first pair of pointe shoes. Ballet has always been a big part of my life, and these shoes really symbolize that. I went on pointe when I was twelve years old, and I remember literally jumping off the walls when I found out that I was finally getting my first pair of pointe shoes. Once I got pointe shoes, it was definitely a love/hate relationship. THEY HURT REALLY BAD AND THEY GIVE YOU INGROWN TOE NAILS AND THEY GIVE YOU 39480931285 BLISTERS, but that's beside the point. They're an accomplishment!

Here is a picture of them:

I've had a few ideas with how I'm going design the box, but I still feel a little stuck. I've never done anything like this before, so brainstorming hasn't necessarily been easy. Here are a few of my favorite ideas:

I want to display the shoes as well as keep them in a safe place. So in the above sketch, the shoes would be hanging from a hook in a box, and the front of the box has a square opening so people can view the pointe shoes inside of the box.

This box is just like the box in the first picture, except the box is a pointe shoe shape.

This box is also similar to the picture above, except there is not hook to hang the shoes from. Instead, I would just place the shoes in the box.

This is my favorite idea. The box is in a pointe shoe shape, but the oval on top of the pointe shoe is a lid for the box. So I would just take the lid off and place the shoes in the box. The oval/lid on top of the shoe actually makes it look more like a pointe shoe because that is usually were dancer's place their feet.

So those are my favorite ideas at the moment, but I'm hoping to get some feedback from my teacher and classmates tomorrow during class. I will keep you all posted on this project DON'T YOU FRET!
Until then, just imagine me handling a band saw, and I'm sure you will have a great day.

Happy Monday!
"What would life be if we had no courage to try anything?" -Vincent Van Gogh 

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