Sunday, February 2, 2014

Wayfinding Happenings

Hi friends!

I know you're dying for an update on my project. So, here you go!

My group decided to do this Wayfinding project on Budig hall. As a freshmen in the design department, finding room 110 for Hallmark Symposium was quite confusing. Everything looks the same in Budig hall, and there is not much direction. I found myself wandering around Budig in circles until I found the right room.

Here's a map of Budig so you can begin to understand the building:

So we came up with a few different solutions. At first, we thought we could color code the banisters and wall panels that were already existing within the building:

We came to realize that the bright red color did not go well with the building. This shade of red didn’t help to keep the building's aesthetic. Budig is a beautiful building, and by coloring some of the building, we took that aesthetic away. 

So, here is what we came up with for our second solution:

We changed the shade of red to more of a deeper, coral color. This color went much better with the building. We also made a few minor changes as well: we took out signage on the floor, and we moved signage down closer to the banister. However, our wayfinding design seemed too complex. We needed to simplify it.

Since coloring the banisters and wall panels was too complex, we put up signage only in needed places and placed colored lines on the walls to create a simpler and more efficient wayfinding system. I don't have pictures of what this looks like yet, but once I do I'll post another update.

I've been working on my process book over the weekend, and I'm really starting to like it. Here's a few pictures:

I will post another update SO SOON YOU WON'T EVEN BELIEVE IT!
Have a greaaatttt week!

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