Saturday, March 29, 2014

Shoot, Edit, Print, and Repeat


It seems that I've been working on this photography project for forever! Or maybe it just feels that way because of spring break. Who knows!

Anyways, I thought I'd update you all on how it's going. On Thursday, I presented a larger collage to the class of the idea I have ended up rolling with.

So this collage is a lot different from my last couple of collages, and I had so many different ideas stemming off of it. I almost had too many ideas. There are so many things I can do, and it's hard narrowing it down to just one, simple idea. Margie gave me some good ideas to go off of, and I actually just got done taking pictures yesterday. So I'm going to collage the pictures I have and just see what I come up with. I experimented a lot more when I was taking pictures yesterday so I'm anxious to see how it all turns out!

I will post updates on what I come up with. I promise!
For now, I plan on relaxing after such a hectic week back.
//Happy Saturday//

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