Sunday, March 8, 2015

Project 2: Final Deliverables


Welp, I've finished project 2! I know y'all are dying to see what I've come up with, so here you go:

Project Description:

Each wall within the exhibition represents a different part of Charlie Parker's life. The yellow represents his early life, the blue represents the musical, free portion of his life, and the black represents his addictions and death. Each wall contains symbols, icons, and indexes. The walls are assigned different typefaces to symbolize portions of his life (Rockwell, Bauer Bodoni, and Helvetic Neue). The colors on the walls are indexes for different chunks of Charlie’s life, and the extra walls within the space contain icons to describe pieces of his life. 

Spatial Photgraphs:

Spatial Drawings:

Outdoor, Large Scale Graphics:

Print Document:
Print Photographs:

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