Thursday, September 19, 2013

Project 1: Finished

Wow. These past two weeks have been extremely busy, and I'm so glad that this week is coming to an end.

My project is officially FINISHED, and it feels so so SO good to say that. I've been really nervous about entering the design program at KU because I've heard how intense it can be. So, in other words, it's exciting to be feeling confident about turning in my project. I'm anxious to see what I else I create throughout this semester in design. After I printed and finalized my poster I remember thinking, "Wow, that was really fun." I have never thought school work was fun. This must mean that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, right? I sure hope so. I've only got four years to figure it out.

Out of the 5 well-designed objects I blogged about earlier, I ended up choosing the Vera Bradley Wristlet. I chose the wristlet because I loved it the most out of all the other objects, and I wanted to create a poster that showcased the usefulness as well as the beauty of the product. I love the floral pattern on the wristlet. So I decided to make my poster look similar to a flower.

Over time, I developed 5 different ideations using Illustrator and InDesign (sorry, they're a little hard to see):

I had a really hard time deciding which poster I liked. I went back and forth several times. So after my class critique, I decided to ask my roommate. I told her to pick one that looks like an advertisement in a magazine, and she led me to.........

We also had to make a process book for the project. It was pretty simple and straight forward. Mine ended up being 19 pages. Here's a few of my favorite pages:

Saved. Printed. Mounted. It is finished. Have I said that enough? I just want you to know that it's FINISHED. DONE. I'M DONE. I'M FINISHED. IT'S DONE. Boom.
"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try"

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