Thursday, September 5, 2013

Color Police

Sooooo we've been talking about color in class this past week. Color is pretty neato, and some people get so excited about using color that they end up getting carried away. Sometimes I see advertisements and it looks like a rainbow just threw up on the page. GREAT NEWS THOUGH, color techniques do exist.  It's important to be aware of color strategies when designing anything. Using these strategies creates a sense of unity for the audience. 

Bad color usage:
When I look at these advertisements, I feel confused. Where am I supposed to focus? There are so many bright, vibrant colors. My eye cannot focus on one thing. These colors aren't creating a sense of harmony or unity for me. Instead, the colors are making it hard to understand the main focus of the advertisements. 

See what I mean? A rainbow basically threw up on those pages. There is pink, green, blue, purple, brown, teal, and orange.. that adds up to ROYGBIV amiright?

No worries kiddos, I have some examples of good color usage and the color strategies involved in each.

Contrasting Hues: Colors that are far apart on the color wheel
Transition in Value: Visual change from light to dark.

Limited Palette: Only using a few colors on the color wheel. 

Harmonious Hues: using colors next to each other on the color wheel.
Welp, there you go. I have 24 photos exemplifying color strategies, but I just wanted to post a few. My favorite is the Crown Royal advertisement. I love how well the purple and yellow work together. Even though they are complete opposites on the color wheel, the advertisement is visually appealing. 

I'll be posting an update on my project soon. I'm hoping to post the update sometime next week. It's going quite well, and honestly, it's coming together much better than I had anticipated. Be on the lookout for it!

These studio classes are much different than many of the classes I took in high school. Even though there is a lot of work involved, I am really enjoying them. It always makes me laugh when people say, "Oh, graphic design? That sounds like fun! Must be an easy major." There is a lot more work involved than most people realize, but if you love it, the work is very worthwhile. I can't help but feel like I "belong" in these classes, as cheesy as it sounds. Who knows, I might change my major in a year. Right now though, I'm really enjoying where I am. 

"There are far better things ahead than we leave behind."

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