Monday, September 30, 2013

Guys, Brainstorming is INTENSE

We have officially begun a new project! This time instead of exploring good design, we are studying bad design. This project is a group project, and I have been assigned with three other people in my class. At first, I was really nervous about doing a group project because I always feel like I end up doing all of the work. Luckily, I got paired up with a some talented, hardworking group members. We will all be bringing three poorly designed objects to class and narrowing our choices down to one object. From there, we will  redesign our chosen object. We will make a prototype, poster, process book, and PowerPoint presentation explaining our redesigned object (woah all of those start with p's).

To get our juices flowing, we watched a video in class called IDEO Deep Dive.

The video was about a group of people who got together and redesigned a shopping cart within 5 days (HOLY COW ONLY 5 DAYS). It was fun to watch and had several useful tips for brainstorming. It was interesting to see how chaotic the brainstorming process was for the team. I got the impression that a chaotic environment enables people to come up with great ideas. If it weren’t chaotic, nobody would have thrown out a wild idea. It’s important to have these crazy ideas to have a successful brainstorming process. The points within this video that stuck out to me the most were…
-feed of off others’ ideas
-build on each idea
-the more ideas, the better
-think focused chaos
-fail often in order to succeed sooner
If I had to pick one point, I would pick the last one: “fail often in order to succeed sooner.”  I feel like this is the most important point to remember. Sometimes it’s hard for me to understand that failing is helpful. Hearing this group of professionals say that you HAVE to fail to succeed makes me feel much better about failing here and there in design.

After watching this video, our group got to do some brainstorming of our own.
We were told to redesign a clothing hanger. My group created a giant concept map, and we made bubbles for things like: initial issues, materials we will use, shape, safety, aesthetics of our new design, and the form/functionality of storage. It seemed like we had a million great ideas. So we decided to go through the map and star what we would incorporate in our improved design. Then we all sketched out our own idea of our new and improved hanger, and lastly, we put all of our ideas together and sketched out the final redesigned hanger. It was pretty awesome. I wish I could buy the hanger we designed! Here is the picture of our humongous concept map:

Pretty crazy amiright ? I'm glad that we got to practice brainstorming and working with our group before we got to the actual project. It was nice to get a feel for the group dynamics. 

More updates on this project coming SO soon you won't even believe it

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