Monday, October 21, 2013

Project Two: Complete

Another project finished! 2 down, 2 to go.

For this project, I was paired up with three other classmates. In this group, we studied how to improve poorly designed objects. We all brought five poorly designed objects to class and narrowed our choices down to one object. From there, we came up with a new and improved design. We made a prototype, a poster, and a Prezi presentation explaining our redesigned object. 

This is my group, and they are the best fo realz.
(from left to right) Kirsten, Anna, Kevin, and ME
Since the first letters in our names spelled out KAKA, we decided to brand ourselves as the KAKA team! 

So anywayssssss we decided to redesign this nifty foundation compact:

We found several problems with the compact:
-You are supposed to remove oil from your face before applying foundation, and the compact does not include anything to remove oil with.
-There is only one small mirror
-Your hands can get messy from the applicator because there is nothing to hold it with

I now introduce you to the TOTALLY AWESOME KAKA Compact:

You're probably thinking "WHAT? Is this really a foundation compact?" Oh, it is. 
Our redesign includes the following:
-Several mirrors (the inner triangles of the pyramid are mirrors)
-Oil Wipes (look at the last picture, the blue oil wipes are shown in the first drawer)
-Ring slots for your fingers on the sponge to avoid getting messy

Here's our mission statement so that you can better understand our redesign:
"KAKA promises an aesthetic and unobtrusive product for our insanely cool customers. We have included oil-removing-wipes, several mirrors, and an easier-to-hold applicator to keep our customers happy and looking be-yoo-ti-ful. Not only is this product useful, but it is also triangular. How many triangular foundation compacts have you seen before? Thas right, NONE. Nothing competes with the KAKA compact.
Don’t agree?
Let us know, we have a money back guarantee!"

If you would like to see the process of how we got to our final redesign, here is a link to our Prezi presentation:


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