Thursday, October 24, 2013

Just Another Thursday

Hello, strangers.

Tonight was Hallmark Symposium night. Hallmark Symposium is basically a class where succesful designers from around the world come and talk to current KU students. They show us their work and discuss their journey into the design industry. 

I went tonight in a pretty terrible mood. Lately, I've been feeling super uninspired, and I wasn't happy with my work from class earlier today. I am SO happy that I ended up going because I heard exactly what I needed to hear. 

I always find myself wondering, "Am I supposed to be a designer? Am I actually doing what I do best? Is this where I really belong?" These questions were flooding my head ESPECIALLY today, or at least until I went to Hallmark. 

The designers there tonight called themselves Public Library. Public Library is a group consisting of two young guys who produce collections of work across all forms for their clients: branding, interactive, packaging, book design, print systems, and many more.

Here's a few of my favorite quotes that they said:

"Opportunities come and go. Take them when you can. Even if you already have a lot on your plate, this opportunity may not ever be presented to you again."

"Sometimes, you can't. You need to understand when separation needs to be made between you and your client. Sometimes you may not be capable of producing the type of design that they are desiring."

"You are making things. Think about how much worse it could be.. you could be sitting in the hallway doing math problems. But you're not, you're creating something new everyday! I am happy sitting in front of my computer playing with fonts and producing cool things for a living."

"There's something so rewarding about sitting in a room and being able to say 'I think that this will work best for you.' Clients come to you because you can do something that they can't. They look to you to create something precious and unique."

Also,  I creeped on their website (check it out, so cool) and these designs are my favorites:

I left Budig Hall feeling like I am able to accomplish something huge. 
A year ago at this time, I honestly would have told you that I didn't believe I could get into the KU design department. I thought I wasn't good enough. Now I am here, and I'm improving every day in my studios. I'm doing better than I imagined I would be doing, and I'm really enjoying my classes. I worked hard to get here. There were many people who didn't believe I could make it here. But I know I have the capability to design great things, and I plan to. 
"When you feel like quitting, remember why you started."

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