Thursday, October 17, 2013


Hello, friends!

So it's been awhile, my apologies. College is busy guys. People aren't lying when they say that. BUT HEY I'd rather have lots to do than nothing at all!

I've been feeling really inspired by this TOTALLY AWESOME SUPER COOL website:

I've known about the site for a few years now. My graphic design teacher in high school told me about it my junior year, and I've been hooked ever since. Whenever I'm brainstorming for design, I always go to this website first. There's millions of ideas and millions of great designs. Maybe one day I'll post some work on there, but I've got a long way to go! Someday though, someday.
Here's some of my latest favorite works from the website:

This poster. Wow.

This branding is beautiful. Calligraphy is my favorite.

I love this product packaging for tea. This design really
emphasizes type. I think it's super interesting how well
the letters and colors create a visually appealing design.

Aside from that though....
Today is the day that I'm turning in my SECOND PROJECT. 
Woah. How is it already mid October? How? My mind is blown.

I will be posting about my project hopefully (fingers crossed) within the next couple of days. I'm really happy with how this project turned out, and I was so lucky to get placed into a group with such talented, hardworking people. It was a fun project, and my group was (maybe I'm biased).

// Happy Thursday!

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