Sunday, October 25, 2015

Poverty Exhibit Process Post #7

Hey there!

Over the weekend, the experience designer did some user testing! We changed it a lot from the initial using testing idea that Lizzy and I worked together on. We printed off every content area on 11x17s, and then organized the content areas into clusters for the users. Here are the set of questions we gave users to answer:

1) Can you identify a specific flow to the space?
2) Did you learn things you didn't know or expect about poverty in Douglas County? If so, please name two things you learned.
3) Is there anything you were confused about?
4) Did you relate to the story?
5) What was successful?
6) What wasn't successful?

After user testing, I gathered up all the sheets, read over them, and wrote down all the concerns and issues that we need to fix. I wrote all this down in a word document, put it on the dropbox for the class to see, and also sent everyone an email to look over the feedback before monday.

So here is the feedback I got from the user testing:

Overall Feedback on Exhibit as a Whole:
    • Is exhibit about Carmen specifically?
    •  Needs image of Carmen      
    • Needs a few images here and there to break up text
    • Overall, exhibit communicates the bad situation Carmen is in. Is that the goal?
    • Carmen is from Kansas City, Missouri, JACKSON County. The exhibit is about Douglas County. Can Douglas people identify with Jackson County? Could the example be fictional, change the story and names a little and just say, “based on a true story”? Or just leave out the location from Carman’s story
    •  Introduction poster

Content Area Feedback:
  • Hard Choices
    • Map your Budget
      •  Idea is good-need more clarification
      • Needs better directions / better understanding of how to use the interactive element 
      • This is a good element for younger visitors too, but needs clear instructions. Is this the final size?
  •  Children in Poverty
    •  Interactive element – needs better directions
      • Confused about percentages and how they work interactively
  • Who’s Affected Most
    •  Circle maze needs direction
      •  Do you start out and work your way in or vice versa?

Here are a couple photos of the process:

Overall, we got some great feedback. The information we got would be useful to put in the final presentation, and then address how we fixed the concerns that were voiced during the testing. 

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