Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hey y'all I'm back & let's talk David Carson

Well, break is over. 

So here I am! Judging from the looks of it, this semester will be a challenging one, but I'm really excited to continue to grow as a designer and see where this semester takes me.

Anywho with that being said, here's a little snippet about David Carson. I have actually never heard of Carson before until I was sitting in class today. While watching his TED talk, he covered a couple of things that really stood out and stuck with me.

First off, at the very beginning of his talk he talks about the difference between two "no parking" signs. One sign said "no parking" in large, handwritten graffiti letters, and the other sign had tiny, worn mechanical-looking letters. Carson clearly said, "which one would you park in, if you had to park in one?" He laughed and made a joke about how the graffiti sign looks as though the person who wrote it is a little more dangerous than the sign with the smaller font. I couldn't help but agree with him! It's pretty crazy how you can look at a design and an envision exactly what the creator is like. That goes to say that putting yourself behind your work is what makes your designs memorable and unique. As cheesy as that sounds, I thought the situation Carson gave was a perfect example of that.

I also thought that his take on intuition was interesting. Carson pointed out that he thought intuition was the most important ingredient in design. The idea of an answer popping into your head once you have stopped thinking about it was once a foreign concept to me. Until I was in design, and I started having those intuition moments. I've realized how important it is to step away from a project sometimes, especially if it's frustrating you. Whenever I've taken a step back, I've had intuition moments where all of a sudden the answer comes to me instead of me forcing out an answer that doesn't work as well.

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