Thursday, January 29, 2015

Process Post #3

Welp, it's the end of class so I thought I'd share my process for the day.

Here are nine different explorations that I brought into class today:

In class, we did a coin flip exercise, and surprisingly, it turned it pretty cool for me. Here's what I ended up with:

I didn't expect for something to come up that I actually enjoyed, but hey, that's what experiments are for! I attempted to revise and see what happened, and I don't like it near as much.

Anywho, in class I messed around with more orderly and simple cereal box layouts because that's something I  haven't experimented with much. Here's what I accomplished:

Just wanted to play around a little bit. I like the first one a lot more than the second one, so far.

So for next class I'm going to have three, revised, fully-mocked up cereal boxes! Whoop whoop so exciting. I'll post another process post with those 3 boxes, hopefully, by the end of the week.

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