Thursday, January 22, 2015

Project One: Process Post #1


Project 1 has begun! I have done quite a bit of exploring and experimenting. I first started off by picking out the  attribute words that each of my cereal boxes will live by. I decided on the following:


I also looked up several different definitions for each word, and these were my favorite definitions that I found:

Comfort: to soothe, console, or reassure; bring cheer to
Energy: forcefulness of expression: an adequate or abundant amount of such power
Order: proper, satisfactory, or working condition: methodical or harmonious arrangement

From there, I continued to make mood boards for each word. I scrolled through Pinterest for like two hours and it was so great. 

Comfort Mood Board:

When it comes to this particular mood board, I wanted something cozy and relaxing to look at. Since the cereal boxes will be type-based, I decided that the UltraLight Helvetica Neue font would be perfect. It's delicate, yet consoling at the same time, and by combining that font with a comfortable color palette I thought it would be set. 

Energy Mood Board:

Whenever I think of energy, I think of bright, fun colors and experimental type. I know that for the project we are supposed to pick from the approved font list, which I plan on doing, but I want to have some fun with the type similar to what the bottom left picture looks like. I think I can achieve an energetic cereal box by using a combination of a bold font and bright colors to create power and energy.

Order Mood Board:

When I think of the word "order," I think of simple and organized. So with this mood board, I just wanted to use a traditional black and white color scheme because if I were to use other colors, it wouldn't feel less organized. That way I can make things very cut and dry and easy to understand. I also thought the perfect font for order would be Didot. Didot feels very proper and methodical. It brings a sense of form to whatever you place it on. 

I also found some inspiring typographic package designs as well:

After looking at inspiring things, I decided I would go ahead and take a stab at creating a template and making some iterations. I wanted to get ahead and get started on the next homework assignment. Let me tell you though, it was MUCH more difficult than I anticipated. I'm looking forward to creating (hopefully more successful) iterations over the weekend. I'll post them for the next process post!

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