Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Process Post 5


So I began to revise my designs. I decided to zone in on the two boxes that needed the most work: order and comfort. I took the critiques from my classmates and gave the other boxes some color to help distinguish the words better, and I also played around with some other things as well.


After the critique today, someone had put an "energy" sticky note on the earlier version of this box, and honestly, that made sense. So I went out and found a more comfortable color palette to reflect comfort. I also changed all of the text to be my handwriting instead of having hand lettering text mixed with computer generated text. Now it's much more unified.

For this, I decided to go ahead and put black as the background so that viewers could see the orderly structure more clearly. I had more trouble revising this one, so I'm definitely open to any suggestions! To me the box still feels pretty bland, but I haven't figured out how to make something look orderly and visually-intriguing simultaneously quite yet. I think the black background helped, but I would I think I need to reach out more to other people and see what their thoughts are for this one.

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