Monday, February 23, 2015

Project 2: Process Post 3

Hello again!

I've done more work on the project. I've experimented more with the wall design as well as the architecture/usage of space.

Once again, (incase you didn't read my last blog post) here is my statement for what my design means:

I'm using different typefaces to symbolize different parts of Charlie Parker's life...
Rockwell: for his early years,
Rockwell is a slab serif typeface, meaning that it has a consistent thickness between the serifs and the actual letter. There is not much variety to the slab serif typeface (not that that's a bad thing at all). I felt this was appropriate for Parker's early years when things were slow in his music and there was not much variety within much of his life.

Bauer Bodoni: for his musical 'birdie' years
Bauer Bodoni is a modern typeface. It has thick lines combined with thin lines, giving the typeface variety and a beautiful contrast. During this time, Parker had begun to be more and more famous and his music was making history. There was a lot of variety, and exciting things happening in his life.

Helvetica Neue (ultra light): for his addiction at the end of his life that led him to his death.
The typeface is quite thin and has no serifs. It seems that Parker was beginning to diminish and his addictions were swallowing more and more of him as the days went by. It was like he was barely there, which is what the thin typeface symbolizes.

I have also added four more walls within the exhibit for users to interact with. These walls have a page number on them for users to turn their booklet to so they can follow along with what the walls mean. Each wall has an icon that goes with each wall/section of Charlie's life. The icons on these extra walls that I added are also on the original walls as well:
Yellow (Rockwell) wall has a sunrise icon to represent his early years
Blue (Bauer Bodoni) wall has a bird icon to represent his 'birdy' musical days when he was doing quite well in the music industry
Black (Helvetica Neue) wall has poppy plants to represent his addiction to heroine and drugs

The walls have a lot going on within them. I think this represents the energy and life within Charlie Parker's music. I wanted to capture the feeling of his music with the design on each wall as well.

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