Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Project 2: process post #1


So over the weekend, I researched and began project two. After listening to bebop music for awhile (as well as Charlie Parker's music), I started out by creating a word list. I wrote down fifty words that came to my mind while I was listening to this music:

From there, I started to make/think about some symbols, indexes, and icons. I used my word list as inspiration for these things. Below are some of the things I came up with (warning: these ideas are pretty rough, I just wanted to start thinking about them in some way):

Top Left (saxophone with wings): You don't have to tell me twice that this idea is pretty cliche and corny, but it was one of the first things I thought of. So you always just need to cough out those ideas and get them out of your system first, right? Anyways, I chose the saxophone to represent the sound of bebop music. The wings on the saxophone are a reference to Charlie Parker. His nickname was birdy. What better way to show that than with a cliche pair of wings? Right?

Top Middle (saxophone): As said above, the saxophone is supposed to represent the sound and feeling of bebop music. 

Top Right (KC): KC is where Charlie Parker grew up. As Charlie Parker passed, Kansas City has seemed to claim him as "theirs." 

Middle Left: I made a sun symbol to represent the sunniness that I hear in Charlie Parker's bebop music. It feels so happy and sunny, which is crazy to think about because I know he suffered through some terrible things throughout his lifetime. 

Middle Middle (fire): I also think there is a fire-y, sparky feel to bebop music. It feels very zesty and exciting. That's what the fire symbol represents.

Middle Right (shades of blue): This symbol represents, of course, the blues-y feel to Charlie Parker's bebop music. However behind that general interpretation the shades of blue are there to represent the sadness that Charlie Parker experienced throughout his life. The color blue is directly linked to sadness. So I thought using the blue to represent Charlie Parker's sad story and also blues-y sounding music was a good combination. 

Bottom Left (name): There's no doubt that there's a little bit of a bouncy, tappy feeling to Parker's music. I played around with type and made his name look as though it was bouncing to correlate to the bouncy feeling within his music.

Bottom Right (birds): As I said before, Charlie Parker's nickname was birdy. So the birds directly represent him. 

I also researched and found some inspiration for the project:

1 comment:

  1. word list = awesome move. and i love the overall quality and attitude of the inspiration images/artifacts...seem to imply FUN/ENERGY?
