Thursday, April 3, 2014

Guess What? ANOTHER Reflection!

Whoops, meant to include this in the last post.


//Errol Morris “On Photography” Reflection//

Morris discusses how to observe a photograph. By making observations, people can begin to understand the image as well as the photographer’s intentions. All photographs are posed. This means that people can only see what the photographer chooses. In other words, photographs are swatches of reality, and the viewer can only see what he or she is viewing by investigating and seizing the details placed within the image. Iconic photographs, or photographs that are well-known to viewers, have a particular power over people. The photograph captures something that naked human eye was not able to see before. Iconic photographs cause people to become curious about that particular image and photography as a whole.  In these photographs, the photographer has chosen what viewers are looking at. There is always something outside of the photograph that people do not see. The perception of an image is the photographer’s choice. The role of viewers is to recognize this particular perception. 


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