Tuesday, April 29, 2014



I've made a few small refinements. Here they are:

Wasn't that  a great time? I thought so.

Anywho, when it comes to the two jackets, my class liked the white version the best out of the three colors that I presented. So I kept the original white version and made one that goes a little better with the title page and table of contents. I'm curious to see which version they like best.

For the table of contents, I actually didn't revise much. That was my favorite between the two, and I just moved the text in a little more and shortened the black line.

And for the title page, I revised my publishing logo. I decided to fill in the white spaces to make it more visible. Here is a better picture of it:

I also created a few inside cover pages (the pages right before the title page):

Also a works cited:


1 comment:

  1. Woooo.....You have been busy.
    Title page and table of contents look good. You could use a smaller font for the text of the works cited, also a narrower column.
    For the end pages, either design would work. If you go with the photos, make them more transparent.
    Both book jackets look good, but the one with the line works better with the contents of your book. But it is really hard to line up all those color changes with the folds of the cover, so think about color(s) that extend around the front, back, and inside folds.
