Thursday, April 3, 2014

Project Three: Completed

It's me, again. 

Welp, the title says it all. Project three is finished! The semester is almost over, and that is seriously the weirdest thing. Last I checked it was February.. is this real life?

ANWAYSSSSSS this project has been enjoyable for me. I got to experiment with photography, and that's something I've always wanted to do! Here is my final product:

In case you haven't been keeping up with my project updates, the overall concept of my collage is to capture the progression of time through clothing. On the left, she is wearing clothing for cooler weather and on the right she is wearing clothing for warmer weather. I have decapitated her (lol that's weird to say) because I want the focus of the collage to be on the clothing and not my model's face. There are certain spots within the collage that I've zoomed in on to stress the difference in her clothing between the left and right sides. I've zoomed in on her sweater, scarf, coat fur, hat, t-shirt neckline, strapless dress neckline, and her bare feet so that viewers can really make sense of the difference between the two sides. The collage is literally 5 feet tall (by the way, that's literally how tall I am). So it's quite large. Let me just tell ya, carrying this from my dorm to the design building on a windy day was NOT a good time.  The wind was trying to take my project from me, and I was just riding the struggle bus all the way to the building. IT WAS SO DIFFICULT GUYS. PEOPLE LAUGHED AT ME AND EVERYTHING. Haha but hey, at least I got it there in one piece!

I know I've already mentioned this, but it's literally freaking me out how fast time is flying. I'm anxious to start our final project. It's a graphics project, and I'm looking forward to finally doing something in graphics! After turning in my project and taking an art history exam today, I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. It's been quite a stressful week, but looking back on everything I've created and finished, I feel pretty accomplished. Facing stressful weeks and obstacles really do force me to grow. As much as I hate admitting that, they really do. In a weird "I can't believe I'm saying this" sort of way, I'm thankful that I have stressful weeks here and there. Without it, how would I grow and learn? 
And with that,  I leave you with this:
I hope you have a grrrrrrrreat weekend!
"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you."

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