Monday, February 3, 2014



Recently, I was given a wonderful opportunity to design a logo. A friend of mine referred me to a lady who has her own chocolate business. The business is called Bondbons (her last name is Bond, ISN'T THAT SO CUTE?) She specializes in gourmet cake balls, Oreo balls, chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate covered oreos, and more. She was in need of a logo for her business, and I was more than excited to help her out! Here is the final logo:

She wanted me make the O's look like cake balls, and have the "D" in Bond stand out. I went through several refinements until I got to this final logo, and my client was very happy with it.

I was really afraid to take on this job. There was a moment I thought I would turn it down because I didn't think there was any way I could design something a client would like. I am SO GLAD I took the opportunity. This is a huge accomplishment for me (and I'm getting cake balls in return so SCORE). It was like I was a REAL graphic designer WOAH HOW COOL IS THAT? This logo will be seen by all of her customers! That's so so so so exciting.
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

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