Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Project 3: In Progress

I've been working on my third project for a couple of weeks now, and it's been a fun project. I've definitely enjoyed this project more than the last one.

Throughout the course of this project, we have been exploring how to express the meaning of a word through type. At first, we were individually assigned one word. We made 20 compositions of how we pictured the word. Eventually, we refined and narrowed down the 20 compositions to 5 compositions. After this, we were placed into groups and our groups were assigned one specific word. We constructed the word out of cardboard, making sure the structure helped define the word. From there, we placed the cardboard letters on a particular site where the word fit in with the setting around it. 

For the individual compositions, my word was contrast. These were the five compositions I ended up with:

There is a striking exhibition of unlikeness in each of these. These 5 compositions define the word contrast in unique and different ways. 

The group portion of this project has been really fun. The word my group was assigned to was dribble. Once again, I got lucky with my group. They are all so hardworking and fun. Here's some photos of us building the cardboard words:

COOLEST GROUP EVER. I'm just throwin it out there.
Anywho, want to know why we constructed our letters the way we did? Of course you do. I know you do. Don't lie. Don't you worry, I'll explain.
We made them a triangular shape because when you dribble a basketball, the ball bounces down, and then it bounces back up. We thought that a triangle was the perfect way to mimic that movement. We also colored the letters blue and red because they are KU colors. There isn’t a better way to represent basketball other than with KU colors. The entire KU campus lives for basketball season. We also decided to paint the dot of the ‘i’ orange. This orange dot is there to symbolize a basketball.
Be on the lookout for final pictures of our cardboard word. IS GUN BEE GOOOOOD.

Also here's this cause I know you all lovvvvvvvvve mah face:

You're welcome.

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