Monday, April 13, 2015

Journal Entry: 30 Conversations

When watching and listening to Little and Co interviewing 30 designers, I was actually quite interested. Each designer had something unique to say. It truly showed that we all see the world differently, and to be a designer, you must understand the world in a unique and special way. Every designer sees the world differently, and that's what makes the design field so intriguing. 

If I were to answer these questions, my answers would definitely be a little different (of course). So here we go, I'm going to ask myself the same two questions:

1) What single example of design inspires you most?

I don't think I necessarily have a single PIECE that inspires me, but I do have a single DESIGNER that inspires me most. I've always found Bradbury Thompson and his work to be very inspiring. His bold colors mixed with his beautiful usage of typography are hard to forget. I feel inspired by his work because he seems to push the limits. His work screams at you as you walk by, and I find that both inspiring and encouraging as a young designer.

2) What problem should design solve next?

There's a lot of problems surrounding our every day lives, so this is quite hard to answer. If I had to choose one problem, I would say that design should make people smile more. I know what you're thinking, that's such a broad statement. I completely agree. I think it's best to keep it broad because once again, every designer is going to have a different take and a different way of solving this problem.

For me, I think design needs to focus more on one thing: people's happiness. Create something that is going to make someone smile. Don't just design something that will get the job done. Yes, that's important, but it would be a lot more effective if it could somehow crack a smile in the user. Design doesn't have to be so serious all the time. 

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