Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Journal Entry: Jonathon Harris

While watching Jonathon Harris, it was felt easy for me to sit here and listen. Usually, watching some of these videos begins to bore me after awhile, but not this one. What pulled me in so much about Jonathon Harris was his honesty. He seemed to be upfront about everything, and he didn't stand on stage giving the same spiel that every other designer does. He talked about things that matter to him, and he covered topics that a lot of designers are probably scared to cover. For instance, he talked about how he often felt lost in technology. How sometimes technology seems to be controlling him and how he disliked that.

What resonated with me the most, though, is when he talked about completely starting over and redoing a project. Whenever I'm in the midst of a project, or worse, towards the end of a project, I cannot stand knowing that in order to succeed I must start over. Starting over is scary for me. The beginning of projects are always so daunting. So why would I ever want to go back to the beginning? I've learned, though, that starting over usually ends up working out in my favor. This is exactly what Jonathon Harris discussed about his online dating project. He completely changed his ideas, and it ended up benefitting him greatly.

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