Monday, April 20, 2015

Journal Entry: Design Observer

After reading "Type Means Never Having to Say you're Sorry," I definitely understand the importance of being educated on typefaces and choosing a typeface beyond the reason of "liking it." Sure, Futura is great, but without being educated on the typeface, someone might use it in a terribly wrong way. So I must always ask myself "Why Futura?" I hope I can always answer someone's question when they ask why I chose a particular typeface. 

After thinking about it and researching, I think I found a good alternative to Futura. Avenir, designed by Adrian Frutiger, who proclaimed that “Avenir is the better Futura.” This, in my opinion, is true because it maintains Futura’s geometric construction, normalizes its quirks and expands its width offering. For instance, the pointed ‘A’ and single-story ‘a’ that is the hallmark of Futura are gone, but its single story ‘g’ and higher ascender/descender are retained. Use Avenir when your job calls for a more versatile, toned-down geometric sans.

I also read the article "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Typeface" because I want to see and be informed about a few particular reasons regarding why to choose a particular typeface. The article offers plenty of great reasons such as a few of the following: "because you like it's history, because it works, because of who designed it,  because it reminds you of something, etc." My favorite reason was "because you believe in it." Some designers commit to one or two typefaces and only use those typefaces for awhile. Truly believing in that typeface to where you use it all the time of quite the commitment. There must be something that firmly believe in about the font, and you want everyone else to see that. I love the thought of that. 

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