Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Journal: Jessica Hische and Louise Fili

When it comes to Jessica Hische and Louise Fili, I actually thought some of their work was similar. Of course all of their pieces were completely different and were done for different things, but I couldn't help but notice that some of their letterforms felt really similar. They both seemed to use bold, eye catching colors, and there were a few similar letterforms between the two of them as well. Between the two of them however, I really responded to Jessica Hische. After watching her video, I felt inspired. She is quite young, yet she's already so successful in what she does. When I was listening to her talk, it almost felt like we were friends because of our closeness in age, and that made me feel like I'm just as capable of creating things that are as beautiful as her pieces. It's comforting to see someone so young succeed so well.

I've always loved lettering. Am I good at it? Absolutely not, but it doesn't stop me from trying. Jessica Hische and Louise Fili are both great inspirations when it comes to the lettering field, and I'm glad I've been shown their work.

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