Saturday, April 4, 2015

Beyond the Social Poster: Final Deliverables

Project Statement:
When it comes to this particular issue, not many people know about it, especially here in America. I have deepened my audience's understanding by giving them information about what the poster is actually entailing. The poster is hard to understand without any background, so my prototypes give the audience appropriate information to understand what the issue is. 

When it comes to logos and pathos, I used a heavy amount of logos within the magazine prototype. There are plenty of spreads within the magazine that share information about the Green Movement. I used pathos in both the magazine as well as the Instagram account. The magazine contains intriguing and raw  pictures of the revolution. Most of these pictures are pretty intense, and I did that to tug at the audience's emotions. I also used pathos in the Instagram account. I used pathos throughout the Instagram account by guilting my audience because that will definitely pull at their emotions.

I generated empathy by including those intense pictures within the magazine. That way individuals will flip through it, see the pictures, and think "Wow these poor people voted and they ended up being ruled by someone they dislike. I would be so upset if that happened to me. I want to join in with these people who are so passionate about voting."

When it comes to the context of the work, I didn't want anything to compete with the poster. To accomplish this, I made sure the magazine was big enough to be seen, but not big enough to be overwhelming. With the poster being 20 x 30 and the magazine being 4.5 x 7, I think I achieved that. The Instagram account is not shown within the museum because it is referenced several times throughout the magazine, and people can access it from their own phones/tablets within the museum.  With the Instagram not being displayed and the magazine being small, it is obvious that they are extensions of the poster. When it comes to the audience, I made sure to choose things that are audience will be glad to take interest in. So the magazine is something the audience will want to look at to understand the poster, and I know that the vast majority of the audience will have a phone on them to access the Instagram.

To make everything work together in a unified fashion, I have taken the themes (specifically the theme of green) within the original poster and am using that theme to connect my prototypes and the poster together. I connected my two prototypes together by, once again, using the same shade of green as well as using the same fonts and the repeated peace sign icon. 

Mockup of Musuem:

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