Sunday, March 29, 2015

Journal Entry: Thinking Form

Roman Cieslewicz:

Roman Cieslewicz is a famous designer from Poland. He is known for working for Vogue, Elle, created a graphic concept for Paris autumn festival, and taught at  Ecole national superieure des arts graphisques. He is also well known for several posters; in fact, he's designed over 380 posters over the course of his career. What I like about the two images above is the contrast in color. They both really pop out at me due to the contrast between the black and the red/orange/pink gradient in the background.

Bruno Monguzzi:

Bruno Monguzzi is a famous designer from Switzerland. He attended school at Ecole des arts decoratifs in Geneva and he received a scholarship to study typography, photography and gestalt psychology in London. Mongguzi was the designer for Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Lugano. What I find appealing about the two images I chose above is the bold black text against the colors in the background. The text and the colors work together harmoniously and captured my attention.

Aldo Calabresi:

 Born in 1930, Calabersi Swiss designer was known for his work in advertising. He later on began working at the Studio Bogari in Milan. His work was also shown   in the “Ten Milan Designers” exhibit in NYC. I picked the two images above because I think that the layering he used here was really interesting. It produces a nice contrast, and just an appealing image to look at overall. I personally love his style, in particular, his work that demonstrates the use of black and white photos with vibrant colors layered on top. It creates a beautiful contrast and and interesting distortion of the original imagery.

Ben Boss:

Boss is a designer from the Netherlands. He began as a copywriter at Ahrend and then went onto work for Total Design as well as 2d3d. What I like about his work is how simplistic it is. There's something to be said for the simplicity of his work. It's beautiful and eye catching. 

Wim Crouwel:

Born in the Netherlands, Crouwel attend the Academy of Arts and Crafts Grningen as well as the Institute for Arts and Crafts Amsterdam. He started out as a freelance graphic designer, and then went on to work other places. He went into partnership with Kho Liang Je. A year later he collaborated with him in the Atom Exhibition, Amsterdam. He ended his career becoming a full time professor at Deift University. What stood out to me about his work is the above two images. I love how well he combined architecture and type. It looks like they go together, but they're two completely different thing. He did a nice job of using type and architecture to work harmoniously together.

Bradbury Thompson:

Thompson is a famous designer from Connecticut. He graduated from Washburn University, and them began working at Capper Publication and he promoted to be an Art Director with Rogers-Lellog-Stillson. At the end of the WW I, Thompson experimented with CMYK color process to create some motions. He also interpreted the spirit of artist through his typography. What I love about the two images above is his experimentation with color and overlay. The color immediately drew me in, but when looking at the images closer, the overlay made everything even more interesting than before. 

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