Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Break Progress


Over spring break I refined my first round of prototypes, and I also developed my second round of prototypes. Here are the three refined pairs of prototypes I'll be using for user testing:

1: Magazine and Shirt pins/buttons

I made the magazine much smaller (so it doesn't compete with the original poster), and I added more content to it. I added another section to the magazine. The first section of the magazine is dedicated to the "people of Iran" and explaining the Green Movement's events and how Iranians were affected. The second half of the magazine is dedicated to "people of America." This section is dedicated to People of America (a few people I selected to have featured in the magazine) who share why Americans should be passionate about voting and why they vote.

For the the second prototype to go with the magazine, I decided a series of buttons would be a good idea. Buttons saying "People of America, we vote"  "Join Us"  "I Vote"

2: Rebellions Signs and Taking a Pledge:

For the rebellion signs (signs mimicking what the protestors held up during the Green Movement), I made them much smaller and I created more of them. To go along with the signs, I developed a sheet of paper for people to sign to take a pledge and vote in upcoming elections.

3: Instagram Account and Merchandise:

When it comes to Instagram account, I revised this as well. I created an actual account, and uploaded photos onto it. This account is branded with a couple of hashtags and, of course, the peace sign (which was the icon of the movement in Iran). Each picture has a green overlay with either a peace sign or one of the two hashtags over it. I also have pictures of people holding up the peace signs themselves, which is basically saying that they will take a stand and vote.

To go along with this branded account, I thought merchandise would be a good second prototype (to get the account's name out there so more people will view it). Here are mocked up versions of a V Neck, shirt buttons, and water bottles for people to pick up while they're at the exhibit. Who would walk by and pass up a free tshirt, water bottle, or button? I think that's the best way to get the account's name out there and draw attention to the fact that more Americans need to vote

So there's all the revisions and progress I've made. I'll being doing user testing this week and posting about it as well.

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