Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Journal Entry: Found Stuff


Lately, I've been really inspired by hand lettering. There's something so simple yet striking and bold about using hand lettering. I have to admit though, I love seeing hand lettering and water color combined. I would LOVE to, someday, be able to create lettering as beautiful as these that I've found:

This lettering is very fun and lively, but what I love
about this is that the lettering would look completely
different if it wasn't made in water door. Imagine if it
was just black ink, it would have a completely
different connotation! Water color gives the letters a
beautiful, natural look.

What I love about this is how well you can see the contrast
of value within the lettering. With water color, letters have so
much more value, and I think that makes them far more
appealing and aesthetic. 

The way the water color is used here really makes the letters pop. I think this is a perfection example to show that water color forces you to not be perfect and precise. It's a very free and loose technique to make lettering. That's another reason it is so interesting to look at.

Another great of example showing the different
values within the letterforms. It almost looks as if
there was a gradient applied to the letters. 

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