Sunday, December 8, 2013

Seek Light


Forgot to update y'all on my project!

In class last Thursday, I hung up my favorite experimentation:

I was pretty happy with it how looked after hanging it up, but I knew I still had a lot more work to do. I talked to my professor, and he gave me some great ideas.

Then, as I was playing around my idea in class I came to this:

I really liked this. It was simple and elegant. I asked my professor how he felt about it, and he told me it needed to be more complex. So for awhile, I had no idea what to do with it.

FINALLY,  I came to this conclusion:

I was really frustrated for awhile. I could not figure out how I wanted to make the lamp more complicated, but I worked through it and discovered something better. I feel like I always go through a few days of frustration in all of my projects. There will always be times when you're not confident or when you're confused on what direction you're going in. If there's one thing I've learned this semester, that's it. Design is trial and error, and you WILL fail. But you HAVE to get comfortable with failing in order to succeed.

"Fall seven times, stand up eight."

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