Thursday, December 5, 2013

Stride Knows Wassup


Welp, never thought I'd say this, but finals are right around the corner (HOLY COW LET'S ALL TAKE A MOMENT TO FREAK OUT). So..... there's a million things to accomplish on my to-do list at the moment. Just gotta keep reminding myself that I will see the light at the end of the tunnel SOON. YOU CAN DO IT. 

Anyways while I was studying, I noticed the product packaging for this gum. It is AWESOME. Take a look:

The design on the front and back of the package is definitely eye-catching. BUT WAIT HERE'S THE BEST PART: it is magnetic! There are magnets within the package that help it open and close with grace. Due to this, no gum falls out AND it's super cool.

Welp, peace and blessins!


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